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Weekly Classes

Join Our Online Shiurim:
Daf Yomi Sunday to Friday at 7:00 am

Join Zoom meeting by clicking HERE. (Meeting ID 569435268, Password 652975)
To join via telephone, call: 929-205-6099, enter meeting ID 569 435 268 ##

Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemarah Shiur, Tuesday evening at 8PM

Join Zoom meeting by clicking HERE. (Meeting ID 870685158, Password 876053)
To join via telephone, call: 929-205-6099, enter meeting ID 870 685 158 ##

 Rabbi Hubner Shiur, Thursday evening at 8PM

Join Zoom meeting by clicking HERE. (Meeting ID 82480059868, Password 913838)
To join via telephone, call: 929-205-6099, enter meeting ID 861 0083 5752 ##

Rabbi Snow's recorded Shiurim available HERE.

Womens' Shiurim

For more information, email Rivka Ginsberg at

                                THANK YOU!!

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the esteemed Rabbonim and Speakers who gave of their time to be Marbitz Torah to our kehillah during our Friday night lecture series. Your intellect and presentation represents the high caliber of learning that you each achieve and are Zoche to give over. We are indebted to you for the depth of learning and the enjoyment we had from absorbing your Divrei Torah.

To the men and women who often braved the cold and entered the warmth of our Shul -- You made the choice to run and be on time rather than turn in early. Each lecture was enlightening and inspiring. The success of the series was highlighted by the Divrei Torah and the involvement of all those present. Yasher Koach to all the Marbitzei Torah and Lomdei Torah.

In the Zchus of all of us partaking in the series, may we and all of Klal Yisroel see yeshuos speedily in our days!


11/4 Rabbi Yehoshua Heber

11/10 Rabbi Moshe Hubner

11/17 Rabbi Yehoshua Heber

11/24 Rabbi Avrohom Schweitzer

12/1 Rabbi Yehoshua Balkany

12/8 Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer

12/15 Rabbi Shloimy Kleinman

12/22 Rabbi Avrohom Lowy

12/29 Rabbi Heshy Wolf


1/5 Dr. Heshy Friedman, our Chairman

1/12 Rabbi Shea Horowitz

1/19 Rabbi Ari Feldman

1/26 Rabbi Nachman Schneider

2/2 Rabbi Moshe Hubner

2/9 Rabbi Elozor Menachem Halpert

2/16 Rabbi Dr. Daniel Rudofossi

2/23 Rabbi Dr. Yechiel Lichtenstein

3/1 Rabbi Modes (A special thanks for bringing other wonderful guest speakers!)

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785